National Expressway Media Network
Deeply explore the outdoor behavior trajectory of the audience, and layout the "big outdoor" media matrix from the consumer's work, life, travel, and entertainment scenes.
通過 25 年的戶外發展曆程,現已具(jù)備 16000 餘家媒體(tǐ)資源供應商(shāng),966 萬平米的媒體(tǐ)資源經營面積,全國(guó) 100+個城市的執行團隊人員覆蓋,利用(yòng) 其獨創的戶外媒體(tǐ)超市的商(shāng)業模式,現已成為(wèi)中(zhōng)國(guó)領先的戶外傳播集團,緻力于為(wèi)客戶提供最專業的戶外媒體(tǐ)解決方案。
Through 25 years of outdoor development, Dayu Media Group has more than 16000 media resource suppliers, covering a media resource operation area of 9.66 million square meters. The execution team members are distributed in more than 100 cities across the country. By utilizing its unique outdoor media supermarket business model, Dayu Media Group has become a leading outdoor communication group in China, committed to providing customers with the most professional outdoor media solutions.
25 年
25 years
outdoor development
100 +
100+ cities
with executive team personnel coverage
3780000 +
own outdoor media resources reserve
16000 +
16,000 +
media resource providers
996 萬M²
9.96 million ㎡
media resources management area
大禹傳媒集團是中(zhōng)國(guó)最早對戶外行業做深入理(lǐ)論與實證研究的公(gōng)司,首創中(zhōng)國(guó)最大的戶外媒體(tǐ)超級市場和分(fēn)時戶外發布模式, 從三個方面全方位為(wèi)客戶提供整合營銷方案。
Dayu Media Group is the earliest company in China to conduct in-depth theoretical and empirical research on the outdoor industry. It pioneered the largest outdoor media supermarket and time-sharing outdoor publishing model in China, providing customers with integrated marketing solutions from three aspects.
he "Three seven" theory
傳統戶外媒體(tǐ)單點投放,僅僅覆蓋半徑為(wèi)3000米的區(qū)域, 超過3000米 影響力降至3%左右,影響力在投放初期增速迅速
Traditional outdoor media single point delivery, only covers the radius of 3000 meters of the area, more than 3000 meters of influence dropped to about 3%, the influence in the initial growth rate
大禹在漲潮時抓住機遇乘風破浪,将工(gōng)作(zuò)模式升級為(wèi)客戶提供“品牌顧問 + 戶外媒體(tǐ)專家”的3.0 模式,并且開創性地提出“好的産(chǎn)品 + 好的定位 + 好的渠道+好的傳播 = 好的品牌”的獨特價值主張。
Dayu seized the opportunity to brave the waves at the rising tide, upgraded the working model to provide customers with the 3.0 model of "brand consultant + outdoor media expert", and pioneered the unique value proposition of "good product + good positioning + good channel + good communication = good brand".